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We warmly welcome your inquiry about you or your loved one becoming a Resident in our Holy Family Residence.

As we begin to discuss admission and discern you or your family member’s application, the following is a sampling of the information we will discuss with you:

  • Your age and financial eligibility: The Little Sisters stand firm in their mission to serve the elderly with limited income and assets. Please gather your financial papers and be prepared to discuss your current financial limitations.
  • Your personal needs and health concerns: We do offer a continuum of care in our Home but we do not usually admit new Residents to our skilled care unit. We reserve the priority for those rooms for our Residents in our Boarding Care level and our independent-living apartments that have come to need more assistance. Because of this, we look for new Residents to be able to maintain a level of independence.
  • Your expectations of what you want your life to be like in our Home: The Little Sisters work hard to make this Home a happy Home! The more we know of what you and your family are looking for, the better we can help discern if our Holy Family Residence is a good fit!

For more information about admissions to the Holy Family Residence or the Jeanne Jugan independent living apartments, please give us a call Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 651-227-0336.